

Anchoring the master control facilities of ISRO, Hassan is acknowledged as an industrial growth centre along with six developed industrial areas and four special economic zones. Added to this, nearly 70% of the population is engaged in agriculture with a 265-acre food processing SEZ for export-oriented units established in the district. Hassan is a rich producer of spices like cardamom and also produces coconut and coffee. The presence of ZARS, KVK and other technical institutions provides knowledge support to the farmers and infrastructure for intensive R&D. This creates a unique ecosystem for the development of the sector. A 300 MT cattle feed plant further strengthens the district’s investment opportunities.

Total Area (sq.km)

6814 sq.km

Literacy Rate(%)




Key Geographic Features
Major Rivers
Administrative Divisions (Taluks/Blocks)
Taluks - 8

Economic Snapshot

Gross District Domestic Product (GDDP) (Current Prices)

₹ 52632

Contribution of Primary Sector (%)


Contribution of Secondary Sector (%)


Contribution of Tertiary Sector (%)


Major Industries
Key Exports

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Major Agricultural Products
Major Livestock
Important Natural Resources
Total Irrigated Area (Ha)

Industrial Profile

Number of Small-Scale Industries
Number of Large Scale Industries
Key Industrial Areas
Major Industrial Sectors
Availability of Land Bank (Acres)
Notable Industries and Investments

Infrastructure & Connectivity

Major Highways
Rail Routes
Sea Ports
Power Supply (Domestic Consumption)
Power Supply (Industrial Consumption)
Water Supply Systems
Upcoming Infrastructure Projects

Social Infrastructure

Educational Institutions
Healthcare Facilities
Key Tourism Sites and Cultural Landmarks

Investment Opportunities

Ongoing Projects
Planned Projects
Government Initiatives to Promote Industrial Growth

Contact Information

DIC Office