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About Department of
Industries & Commerce
The department of Industries and Commerce acts as a catalyst for the overall development of the industrial sector in the state through effective discharge of developmental and facilitation roles.
With a view to promote investment and trade & boost employment , the department undertakes the following activities:
- Facilitating the take-off of infrastructure projects
- Formulating progressive policies to attract investment and boost the industrial growth
- Tracking implementation and effectiveness of the various policies, schemes and incentives formulated by the state and central Governments
- Promoting competitiveness of domestic industry through modernization, technology upgradation and adoption of best practices
- Providing a forum for entrepreneurs and industrialists through their associations to represent their needs to the Government
- Identification of sectoral advantages of the state and its human resource development
The department functions through the Districts Industries Centers (DICs), various Boards & Corporations and special purpose vehicles. It has established the Single Window Mechanism for faster, single point clearances to be given to projects seeking infrastructure facilities/incentives/concessions and help in establishing industries and businesses in Karnataka. Karnataka Udyog Mitra is the nodal agency under the Single window set up.
There are several Self-employment generation schemes formulated by the State and Central Governments from time to time and the same are being implemented through the Department.