
Private Industrial Parks

Note: If you are a private industrial park developer with ongoing project for warehousing, industrial or commercial infrastructure in Karnataka, and would like to be profiled here, please send a mail to [email protected]

The Government of Karnataka is actively encouraging establishment of industrial parks in the state either by private investors or through PPP mode. This has led to development of Grade-A infrastructure by several private players and developers. An investor now has the option to locate their project in one of these private parks offering world-class warehousing, industrial or commercial office facilities. 

Investors can click here to know about the various private parks offering warehousing, industrial or commercial spaces in Karnataka.

KIADB Industrial Area

As an investor you can search for an appropriate site for your project in any of the KIADB Industrial areas

Own/revenue land

The investor can access the state’s GIS based Industrial Information System (GIS-IIS)

Private Industrial Parks

Investors can know about the various private parks offering warehousing, industrial or commercial spaces in Karnataka