
Bengaluru Rural

Close proximity to a world-class city offers an enormous advantage to Bengaluru Rural. With more than 9000 small scale industries in the region, Bengaluru Rural has immense potential for MSMEs in agriculture and allied products. It is a pioneer in silk production which is well supported by a healthy domestic and global demand. More than 60% of its sown area focuses on cereals along with several fruits that grow in the region.
Total Area (sq.km)

2298 sq.km

Literacy Rate(%)




Key Geographic Features
Major Rivers
Administrative Divisions (Taluks/Blocks)
Taluks - 4

Economic Snapshot

Gross District Domestic Product (GDDP) (Current Prices)

₹ 7557 crores

Contribution of Primary Sector (%)

846 Cr

Contribution of Secondary Sector (%)

3097 Cr

Contribution of Tertiary Sector (%)

3614 Cr

Major Industries
Key Exports

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Major Agricultural Products
Major Livestock
Important Natural Resources
Water Bodies
Total Irrigated Area

Industrial Profile

Number of Small-Scale Industries
Number of Large Scale Industries
Key Industrial Areas
KIADB Industrial Areas
KSSIDC Industrial Estates
Major Industrial Sectors
Availability of land bank (Acres)
Notable industries and investments

Infrastructure & Connectivity

Major Highways
Rail Routes
Sea Ports
Power Supply (Domestic Consumption)
Power Supply (Industrial Consumption)
Water Supply Systems
Upcoming Infrastructure Projects

Social Infrastructure

Educational Institutions
Healthcare Facilities
Key Tourism Sites and Cultural Landmarks

Investment Opportunities

Ongoing Projects
Planned Projects
Government Initiatives to Promote Industrial Growth

Contact Information

DIC Office
Phone Number